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사교 본능 영어로


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  • sociality
  • 사교    사교 [邪敎] a heretical religion; heresy;
  • 본능    본능 [本能] (an) instinct. 창조적 ~ a
  • 본능    본능 [本能] (an) instinct. 창조적 ~ a creative instinct. ~적인 instinctive / instinctual. ~적으로 instinctively / instinctually. ~에 의하여 by instinct. ~적으로 좋아[싫어]하다 have an instinctive taste for[horror of] . ~에 따
  • 사교    사교 [邪敎] a heretical religion; heresy; (기독교도·유대교도·이슬람교도가 본) heathenism. ~의 heretical / heathen. ~의 신들 heathen gods. ~에 빠지다 fall into[be guilty of] heresy.▷ 사교도 a heretic; a pagan; a heathen; an infid
  • 언어 본능    The Language Instinct
  • 귀소본능    귀소 본능 [歸巢本能] the homing instinct.
  • 기초의 본능    basic instinct
  • 본능을 드러낸    gut reaction
  • 본능적 예지의    oracular; clairvoyant; prophetic
  • 본능적으로    instinctively; naturally; innately
  • 본능적인    prompted by instinct; instinctive
  • 원죄적 본능    Sins of Desire
  • 원죄적 본능 2    Mind Twister
  • 원초적 본능    Basic Instinct
  • 원초적 본능 2    Basic Instinct 2
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